Monday, July 30, 2007

Chapter 1 - A Fudge World

Oh great. Thought Kinya as she jumped over a puddle. I live two blocks away from school and I’m still going to be late! She was going to a school called the school of magic. Mrs. Anlis, one of the teacher at the school had told Kinya that anyone could do magic that tried. “I hope you’re right” Kinya had answered. She was the new girl and was already getting nervous as she hurried through the empty hallway. She was going so fast she didn’t see the woman walking in front of her., when she noticed her it was too late. “No running in the halls.” Said the woman.
“Sorry, but I really need to hurry or I’ll be late.” Said Kinya.
“Well, then get to class!”
“Right, sorry.” Said Kinya. She knew the woman was watching her. Ms. Shooley and Mrs. Aslis were the two homeroom teachers. School of magic was exactly like a normal school except for what they learned. Kinya didn’t know exactly what they learned but she knew it was something strange. She hurried past the doors of classrooms until she got to the one she was looking for. A small piece of paper was stuck to the door. Ms. Shooley’s name was written on it. “Here I go.” said Kinya to no one. She pushed open the door and walked in. the first thing she did was look at her watch. It was 9:30. Oh no, school starts at 9:00. I am so late! She thought. “I’m sorry that I’m late.” she said, trying her best to sound scared. “it’s your first day so it’s okay, but just this time.” “Okay.” Said Kinya. She looked around the room. There was a bookcase in one corner of the room with spellbooks in it. On one wall there were hooks with backpacks hanging on them. On the other side of the room was one big long table that took up all of the wall except the corner with the bookshelves. On the table there were things like globes, paper and a box filled with … something I wonder what’s in that box. Thought Kinya. at the back of the room there was a sign on the wall that had the words The magic of art written on it. The wall also had pictures taped on it that the kids in the class had drawn. At the front of the room was Ms. Shooley’s desk and in the middle of the room were the student’s desks. “Class I would like you to meet Kinya. She is the new girl and I hope she likes this class said Ms. Shooley. Kinya walked to her desk, happy then everyone stopped looking at her like she would do something amazing. She had never liked being the center of attention and she never would. Kinya sat down at her desk between a girl named Emma and a boy named Peter. Peter had short brown hair and Emma had blond hairthat came down to her shoulders. The girl in front of Kinya had brown hair that was about as long as Emma’s. she was wearing glasses.
“This week we are working on simple spells.” Said Ms. Shooley. “the first spell we’re going to learn is the most simple spell ever. I mean it, there is not any existing spell that is easier than this. But this spell is also one of the to five most powerful spells.”
“if you’re going to tell us the spell please do it now.” Said Peter.
Ms. Shooley looked like she hadn’t heard him. Peter sighed and raised his hand. “what is it Peter??”
“oh it’s nothing. I was just wondering when we’re going to learn the spell?”
“after I’m done telling you about it. This spell will turn anything into solid fudge. You can eat the fudge and it will reappear and still be fudge. It will not be able to move anymore. It will also be a lot less heavy so you can carry it around easily. The only thing you need to remember is to point down. The spell will hit the floor and bounce to hit your target. Any questions?” Emma raised her hand. “Yes Emma”
“well, all the stuff you told us is really nice and everything, but I still want to know what you say to make the spell work.”
“oh. Right, you say ‘fudgeificate!’ now no more questions? Good! Lesley, can you please pass out the lizards?”
“Okay.” Said the girl with glasses that was sitting in front of Kinya. She got up and walked to the table by the wall, picked up the box on it, and started to pass out whatever the things in it were. Kinya leaned her head to the left to see what Lesley was giving to some of the boys in the first row. She thought it looked a little like a rock. Then it started climbing up his arm. Wait. She thought, rocks aren’t supposed to move.
“Emma,” Kinya said,
“how did you know my name?” Emma interrupted. Kinya pointed to the nametag on her desk. “oh, right, sometimes I forget that it’s there.”
“what’s Lesley handing out?”
“lizards. We always use them for practicing spells.”
“what are you two talking about?” said a new voice.
“none of your business Lesley.” Emma said. “I thought you were passing out lizards, not listening to other people’s conversations.” Lesley gave them their lizards and glared. Emma stuck out her tongue as she walked away. Kinya after Lesley until Emma said “Kinya, your lizard is going to run right off the desk.” Kinya snatched up her lizard just before he fell off the desk and then put him back down in the middle of the desk. But right when his little gray feet touched the ground he scampered toward the edge of the desk again. Kinya grabbed him by the tail just in time.
The boy named Peter, who sat to the left of Kinya, said “You’re supposed to name it, you know.”
“Oh, right.” Said Emma. “I forgot about that.” She picked up her pencil and whispered “Althia.” Kinya, who had been staring at the pencil didn’t think the spell had done anything. “What did you do?”
“It’s a basic spell. Makes the pencil be able to write on anything.” She pulled Kinya’s lizard toward her. “What’s its name?”
Kinya thought for a moment and then said “Kink. I’ll name him Kink.” Emma wrote something on the red triangular spot on the lizard’s forehead that every lizard have on there otherwise all gray bodies. When Emma handed Kink back to Kinya she saw:

written on the red spot in untidy handwriting. This confirmed to Kinya that the school she was at was different from any other, not only because they learned magic, but also because it was so loud. At every other school Kinya had gone to you had to be quiet while people were working. But here it seemed like people thought you ‘d be punished for being silent. Kinya, Emma said “I just want to know one thi- wait, no, I want toknow a few things. Thing number one: why in the world were you so late for school?!” Kinya leaned back away from Emma. Did she really have to shout?
“so late in the school year or day?”
“both, I guess.” Emma answered cheerfully. There was nothing in her voice that would make you think that she had just screamed her head off. “Uh, well, I was late today ‘cause me and my family were unpacking and – “
“Why why were you unpacking.” It was a question . but the way Emma said it, it didn’t sound like one.
“because we just moved here.” Kinya answered slowly. “and it’s also why I’m late in the school year. Because me and my family just moved here.”
“Okay. Now thing number two: why did you and your family move?”
“Um. Well you well you probably won’t believe me, but me and my family move a lot because – oh you won’t believe me – but the reason is – is that every house we move to is invaded by ants!” she finished quickly. “Okey-dokey, fine, now the moment we’ve all been waiting for, thing number three!” Emma continued. She didn’t seem at all surprised about the ants. “Do you like blueberry muffins?”
“Yeah,” said Kinya slowly “Why?”
“Cause I couldn’t think of anything else for thing number three. Anyways …” she looked at Kinya. “well, come on, ask a question, I like this game!”
“well, uh o okay, if you say so. What did I miss? When I came in you were just about to start your lesson. What were you doing?”
“in the future please number your questions thing number one, thing number two and so on” said Emma, making her voice sound like a flight attendant’s. “Oh, and, ONE AT A TIME PLEASE!” shouting again. Kinya just couldn’t understand it. “OK, but I just really want to know –“
“yeah, yeah I heard you the first time. Every Monday for a half hour before school starts we get to do what ever we want. For example, Lesley was reading, Peter was drawing and I was screaming.” Okay, Kinya thought, so you scream before school and during school.
“hey Frank!” Emma called. “I got you that muffin you wan-oh, oops, no. I ate it. Sorry! I have a lot to learn, Kinya finished her thought with a sigh. Thing number two.she said. Emma turned her attention back to her immediately. “Why was everyone looking at me earlier?”
Emma’s eyes widened. “You don’t know?” she whispered (which is weird, since she was usually shouting)
“don’t know what?” said Kinya. She was starting to feel curious.
“you broke a record.” Answered Emma back to her usual shouty voice.
“W-what?” asked Kinya.
“You broke a record.” Emma repeated impatiently. “You’re the latest to school since September first. The last record was five minutes. Kinya, they were looking at you because they were excited!” not the answer Kinya expected. It was a better answer than she expected. More confident than before (no idea why) Kinya was ready. She pointed ate the desk about a foot away from Kink. “Fudgeificate!” she said. A little read ball came out of her finger, hit the desk and bounded. It hit Kink just before he fell off the desk. And he didn’t fall off. Because he was now made entirely out of fudge. The problem was, so was the desk. And the floor. And the other desks, of course, Kinya noticed this. And of course, she felt like she had to do something. Kinya jumped up and ran to the bookshelf. There had to be something about fudge. Nope. No book on fudge. Kinya jumped up again and ran toward the windows. No time to lose. It can’t be outside too! She thought. Finally, she was at the window. Kinya opened the shades, but closed her eyes when she would be able to see outside. She couldn’t she didn’t want to see. But she had to. Kinya opened one eye and peered out the window. There used to be gray rain clouds outside. Now there were brown rain clouds. Brown, because they were fudge. Fudge, just like ther rest of Massachusetts. Just like the rest of the world.

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