Monday, July 30, 2007

Chapter 2 - Hunting for Excitement

“What did you do?” Kinya spun around and came face to face with Lesley. A very, very angry Lesley. “What did you do?” she repeated.
“I’m – I’m not sure!” Kinya answered. At least she wasn’t the only thing that wasn’t fudge. But did the other survivor have to be Lesley?! No, it didn’t, and it wasn’t. “Hello!” Emma. “I really really really know that I’m positively sure that I know what happened!”
Then, a new voice. “I think you’ll have to wait Emma.” It was Peter. “Lesley seems a bit busy yelling at Kinya. He was right. “Me, you and them?!” she screamed. “Out of everything else in this room, it had to be us and those two things??” she pointed at Emma and Peter. That made Emma mad. And that’s when Kinya learned that you don’t want to make Emma mad. She too three steps, pushed Kinya gently out of the way. Now she stood face to face with Lesley in front of the window, ready for battle. “Who are you calling a thing?!!!” she shouted. “oh, I didn’t call anyone a thing, I called you and Peter things. With an ‘S’!” “oh yeah, haha. Real witty. Thin-such not thing-uh.” Growled Emma. “I wh ‘zup” she added as an afterthought. Lesley ignored that. “Well, whatever happened you’d better know hot to fix it.”
“What? Almighty Lesley is asking Emma for help? Oh, isn’t that cute.” Peter said sarcastically. Lesley glared. Wait. Weren’t you here when Ms. Shooley told us how to turn things back from fudge?” asked Emma. Lesley was about to answer when Kinya cut in. “Hold on, are you saying that Ms. Shooley taught you ho w to undo something before teaching you how to do it?” “Yep.” answered Emma.
“To test our memory of course” answered Lesley. Then she turned around to answer Emma’s question. “F.Y.I. Emma, I was sick the day that Ms. Shooley taught us the reversal spell.”
“So was I.” Peter said for some reason. Lesley kicked him. “Well if no one here knows it, I guess I’ll just have to tell you.” said Emma flatly. “Wait, what happened in the first place?” asked Kinya, sounding confused. (Which she was.) “You turned turned the world into fudge.” There was silence. Even though it was only two seconds of quiet, those two seconds seemed to last two years. “well how do we turn it back!” Peter yelled. “the spell is … defudgeificate!” there was an even shorter silence, broken by “oh my gosh, that spell is so complicated, I never would have guessed!” Lesley said sarcastically. Emma, not realizing Lesley’s sarcasm, said “Lesley, I actually though you were smart.” Lesley slapped herself on the forehead. While all that was happening, Kinya saw a problem with Emma’s un-made plan. “guys, I just realized something.” She said. “what?” the others said in unison.”well, even though we know the reversal spell, we also know that the whole world is solid fudge.”
“yeah, so?” asked Peter. “well, like I said, the whole world is fudge, so we’d have to defudgificate more than just this classroom. We’d have to go around the entire world and defudgeificate everything!”
“Kinya, Kinya, Kinya, Kinya. I would think someone as smart as you would have realized by now. You see, you asked how you could defudgeificate the world if you only do the spell once. You should be asking how you can fudgeificate the whole world if you only do the spell once you see.” (I really don’t know why Emma keeps saying that.) “you were over-excited, and over-excitement makes spells work a bit too well. But all that means is that one of us has to be over-excited when we say defudgeificate, and BING! The world is back to normal.” Everyone was quiet. “Well, what are we waiting for?!” shouted Peter. “Let’s get excited!”
“We can’t get excited just like that.” said Lesley. “we need something to be excited about.” “fine then little Ms. Smarty-pants, we’ll do it your way. Everyone, find some excitement!” the four of them split up around the room. Kinya looked around the desk area, which took up most of the classroom. Emma searched the coat hall, Lesley went to the reading area, and Peter chose Ms. Shooley’s desk. Excitement was hard to find. Kinya peeked inside her classmates’ desks. Nope. No excitement. But she did notice that most of the kids had little erasers, strings, rubber bands, and those squishy things that you put on pencils inside their desks. Now, to Emma. She looked in everyones’ coat pockets and found a lot of candy wrappers, rocks, and squishys (the squishy things you put on pencils). All Lesley found was books made out of solid fudge. But now, the important part: Peter , as he found a sheet of paper. It said that Ms. Shooley’s class had extra recess that day. To Peter , if that wasn’t excitement, than excitement didn’t exist. Emma, Kinya, and Lesley saw as he started jumping up and down. They all stopped what they were doing and ran quickly to their desks. Peter, filled with joy, didn’t notice the sudden movement in the classroom. Extra recess! He thought. What should I do? Then Peter remembered about the fudge. So what? Fudge tastes good. Why is it so bad that the world is made out of it?
While he makes that highly important decision, I’ll explain why the three girls went back to these desks. When the world was back to normal, anyone who had been fudgeificated wouldn’t know that any time had passed. so if they were sitting before the fudge thing and standing afterwards (and in a different place too) then people would get confused. Anyways, back to Peter .
Hmmm. Well, during extra recess, maybe I should play soccer. .. oh! And hopscotch. Wait. He realized suddenly. We can’t even have normal recess if the world is made of fudge! Right before the excitement wore off he shouted “defudgeificate!” Boom! Suddenly everything was back to normal. People finished their sentences. No one noticed Peter kneeling next to Ms. Shooley but in a second some one would. That some one was Ms. Shooley.

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