Monday, July 30, 2007

Chapter 5 - At Emma’s House

After school, Emma, Kinya, Peter and Lesley went to the school library. There were only a few other kids inside. “come on Kinya, I’ll show you the spells section,” said Emma. “it should have some books on fudgeification.” They explored the shelves of the library until they had each decided on a few books. Kinya got two books: Guide to Fudgeification and it’s Uses and The Founder of the Fudge. Emma got two books about fudgeification and another one called Magical Objects. They all checked out their books then left the library.
“You’re pretty quiet Emma,” said Kinya. “yeah, I guess,” answered Emma.
When they got to the curb Emma said “do you want to come to my house tonight Kinya?” “sure, I guess. But I’ll have to tell my parents first.” “you can call them when we get there.”
“are you an all magic family?” Kinya asked suddenly.
Emma thought about it a bit as Peter and Lesley left them to go to their homes. Finally she answered. “I guess so.”
“well, then why would you have a phone?” “Kinya, you read Harry Potter too much.”
“what do you mean?”
“we live on Earth. We have a phone.”
“oh.” They walked for a few more minutes before arriving at Emma’s house. It was like any other house except for the fact that the jack-o-lantern on their front step was blinking. The two girls walked up to the front door. Emma pulled a ring of keys out of her coat pocket. On it were six keys and a smiley face keychain. “all the keys are useless,” she said. “but the keychain unlocks anything with a keyhole. My dad took the magic out of the actual keys. He used magic scissors.”
“keys are magical?” Kinya wondered out loud.
“of course they are. Only magic can unlock things,” she opened the door and they walked inside. “finally you’re here! Dad told me to watch you, but I have homework I would ask Katie to watch you but she’s going to Susie’s house again, so that means you and your friend are watching Will, Thessakanula and the triplets.” Kinya stared at the owner of the voice. She looked exactly like her! The only differences were that she was older and was wearing glasses. Both of them somehow managed to get their amazingly short black hair into a ponytail every morning.
“Kaylie, her name isn’t Thessakanula, it’s Thing.”
“So what? Dad calls her by her real name so why can’t I?”
“Because you’re not even a grownup!”
“Hah! You wish! I’m seventeen years old now so in your face!”
“Actually, you’re not really a grown up until you’re eighteen.” Kinya pointed out.
“Same difference! I’m only a few months away being an official adult.”
“Oh yeah, well—“ Emma started to say before a new voice cut in. “bye everyone, I’m going to susie’s house now!”
“Bye Katie” Emma said cheerfully as if the fight with Kaylie had never happened. Katie was barely ever in the house after school. But somehow she easily managed to finish all the homework she got as an eleven-year-old. When she was gone, five younger children ran into the room. Emma pointed each one out as they ran by. “that one’s name is Tom.” She pointed at a small four year old boy. “there’s Joun.” She pointed at Tom’s identical brother. “and that one’s Paul.” She finished by pointing at a boy who looked exactly the same as the other two. “at least, I think that’s the order. Oh, and that two year old pulling the wagon is Thing.”
“Thing isn’t her real name is it?” asked Kinya as Kaylie left the room. “Thing, nickname!” Thing said.” “Real name” she giggled. “Theassakoola!”
“yeah, dad and Kaylie are the only ones who call her Thessakanula.”
“OK so Mr. Nemrok and Kaylie don’t call her Thing” said Kinya. “what about your mom?”


ckos said...

Every chapter gets better and better. I can't wait to read chapter 6. Even though I have already read all of your book, it is nice to read it in print and all at one time. Keep up the good work!

Lilmcgill said...

Thessakanula -- great name.

Great line: "We live on earth. We have a phone."

Line I wish I hadn't read: "It's a fudge world, after all." It's been singing around in my brain for hours and I can't make it stop.

I'm eager to meet the mom -- hope the next chapter will be posted soon!

Atomizer said...

When are we going to get another chapter? I can't wait to read what happens next!